Home of Hung’s thoughts and ideas

Hey, I am Hung and welcome to my blog 🙂

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Hung’s Projects
Hung’s baking recipes
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Some relevant posts

Curd (Quark) Cheesecake

Unlike cream cheese, Quark has a lower water and fat content, creating a less dense…

Diary: 8 hours passed

since i got vaccinated. I am anxiously awaiting side effects. A friend told me, that…

About wine

So the other day i was able to take part in a 2 hour instructional…

About this Blog

Dockerized WordPress on a Raspberry Pi

This blog runs on a a Raspberry Pi since 9th April 2019 and surprisingly the Pi performs quiete well. WordPress on itself does not need too many ressources for my use case since i don’t have hundreds of visitors per day, leaving capcaity for other applications.

The current setup includes an out of the box docker-compose and a backup script which uploads files to the dropbox cloud storage. In this series i would like to give you a short introduction how my setup works and how you could set it up by yourself.

hungsblog | Nguyen Hung Manh | Dresden
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